LusaWines is property of Monte do Faro – Produtos de Consumo, Lda. width address at Avenida Miguel Dantas, nº 437, Tróias, EN nº 13 4930-193 Valença, Portugal. LW has the NIPC/VAT 503 801 569, it is a limited liability company (LLC), with the total capital of 50,000 Euros. LW is a member of IVV, CVRVV and IVDP.
Nostri - Programing & Development. Tecnincal maintenance of the online store.
EasyPay - Provider of online payment terminal and billing manager of credit cards payments.
Banco EuroBIC - Provider of IBAN, intended for payments by account deposits, national and international wire transfers.
CTT - Provider of package shipping and small volumes transportation.